Partnerships And Sponsorship
AYSD through the organizing committee aim to work together with relevant authorities including government, youth NGOs, youth development partners and private sectors as to make this full ownership and recognized by different authorities that works towards youth development in Africa. Furthermore, the team is opening up for collaboration with other youth development stakeholders and private sectors as they play key role towards young people development initiatives, AYSD though its initiative organizing committee will ensure reorganization of all partners and collaborators during and after all our programs and media address for making this initiative successful.
Partners And Sponsors Benefit
AYSD are open for any partner or sponsor who will be willing to support young men and female through this platform/ initiative, the organizing committee will be open to share the benefit with all partners and sponsors in many ways including the following;
- Sponsor/partners name will be part of the official event name and chance to present some key notes and recognized before, during an d after
- Partners/ sponsor name and logo placement on printed materials related to the event/ program as special recognition to be placed during and before the
- Partners will be recognized and provided platform throughout our program adverts and community
- Partners will play key role on recognizing the young men and female who are doing well in different
- Partners will be provided avenue of show casing their product and initiatives on the exhibition
- Partners/ sponsor will also receive certificate of recognition towards providing support on this